Thursday, November 5, 2009

Does Prayer Change Things?

The Scriptures never tell us, per se, that "prayer changes things".

However, there is the implication that one may deduce from the examples of holy biblical characters by the course of events and circumstances which certainly seemed to be affected by what they asked God to do. And therein lays the crux of the matter, does it not? It was not effected by the asking. Even the act of their asking Him was an action which was brought about at His own instigation. He had to tell His creatures to ask. And they did so by a conscious decision with the minds that He had given them and empowered them to use. And it was not in the power of their words, ever so artfully spoken, to their Lord God and Creator that affected the occurrence of the winning of a battle, or the stopping of time, or yet the raising of a dead child to life again, as examples. No, the power that effected and brought about these happenings was that of an all wise God and Creator of all things out of nothing.

God has never relinquished His Divine control or sustaining power over the universe which he brought into existence just because He introduced time into the realm of His eternal greatness and glory. No, it is not the prayers of men that change things, as the popular saying implies. It is the still all powerful God of the eternal ages Who is still in control Who changes things when it is His will to do so. It is true, however, that He delights to do so in answer to our prayers. And He encourages the redeemed to come boldly to His throne of grace.

And truly it is a constant act of grace on His part toward His ever undeserving creatures to act benevolently on their behalf, indeed, on our behalf!

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