Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prayer Changes Things

Whoever said that prayer doesn't change things has never prayed and been aware of God's affirmative answer to their petition! God delights to answer the cries of our heart. When David cried out to the Lord in times of trouble and, as he says, "He heard me," the word in the Hebrew literally means "to shriek." And it carries the idea of calling out in danger or anguish!
This is just one example of the kinds of prayers to which God delights to respond when one of His children utters a supplication.
Moses says in Psalm 90 that He "saves our life from destruction." I dare say He has often done this even before I have had time to "cry out to Him". Praise His name, His eye is always upon us, and He cares for us in ways that we can never imagine. Nevertheless, He is thrilled when we call upon him in our desperation in troubling times. In such times, we are critically aware of our dependence upon Him.

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