Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Again

Leaves incessantly are falling, slowly falling to the ground,
Falling quietly, softly landing, see them now as they abound.
Red and orange, yellow gold, and now and then a somber brown.
Verdant once the trees they parted now appear as nature's frown.

Such is Fall as we behold it at the seasons' changing guard
Wearing now its own bold colors laying mostly in the yard!
Who could stop it, who would dare take on a task so very hard?
Rather relish we the scene as though if Nature's fair reward.

Every year with expectation we await this grandest show,
Just like clockwork it will come, and just like clockwork it will go.
Breathless, we will drink it in, and all the while we surely know
Once magnificent the colors, soon may they be under snow.

October 2009

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