Thursday, September 17, 2009

No, this is not what the sky looks like today! Today is overcast with a warning, by the weatherman, that there will be rain, sometime, maybe. Forecasting is not an exact science. Probably not a science at all. So it really boils down to the stark fact that it is not really forecasting at all. Webster describes it as "predicting; calculating of future conditions." Well, predicting becomes a tricky business, when left in the frail hands of mere humans. It is inherently an inprecise exercise, even if based upon the most dependable models of the past.

But I stray. I must be clear, I am not one of those who complains about the weather. I trust its precision to the wise hands and providence of the eternal God Who brought all things into existence and "upholds them by the word of His power." I love the glorious aspect that such a sky as is depicted above presents. But on the other hand, I accept the dull gray and unpredictable outcome as such a day as this, knowing that it is also a part of His care and provision for what this earth as well as its inhabitants need. Sunshine seems to enliven the spirit, while overcast skies appear to bring about the opposite result in most of us. The "preacher" wisely stated, "To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiates 3:1

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