Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The best way, the most acceptable and , dare I say, pleasant way, to lose a friend is by death, rather than by coldness of heart. Who can bear the loss of a friend who just doesn't love you any more, and thus, can easily be satisfied with not seeing you and sharing your thoughts, or just enjoying the presence of your company. There is no sweet parting of true friends, that parting which terminates the relationship. "Friends come and friends go", we hear it said, but the coming is much more precious than the going. At least I have found it so, and I have many more friends who were than those who still are.
One of Solomon's proverbs states that "a friend loves at all times." In other words, true friendship is not seasonal, neither hot nor cold, and is not dependent upon certain circumstances. Even if circumstances do change, a real friendship may continue. Enough spatial distance may make even the most genuine friendship rather impractical, and even very difficult to maintain, but should not make it impossible. Of course, being friendly with any number of people is quite another thing from being a friend to ever so few. I would like to say finally, that I am writing this in memory of several dear friends whom I have lost by death.

"The only danger in Friendship is that it will end." --- Henry David Thoreau

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