Wednesday, July 22, 2009

With much of my life on earth behind me, I am still on a pilgrimage toward the shining sea, the celestial city, the heavenly mansions, where my Lord is preparing a place for me, that place where I will eternally dwell in His wonderful presence. He wants Me to be where He is! As a stranger and a pilgrim on this earth, my affections are set on things above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father. I am dead, says He, and my life is hidden with Christ in God. Even in this world through which I am passing, the eternal God is my refuge. He Himself, as in all generations of believers, is my dwelling place and, He is my stronghold and my high tower. As the psalmist said, like a deer, my heart longs after Him. He is my Shepherd and thus I do not lack anything that I need, nothing that He wants me to have. Indeed, He has given me all things to enjoy. Freely He has given and freely have I received every good and perfect gift which is from above. Great is His faithfulness, and bountiful are His blessings to me. In fact, His mercies are new every morning. So,
as I travel on this adventurous journey through this world, enjoying this wonderful life in Him, seeking ever to be a good testimony to His saving grace and His sustaining power, I will endeavor herein to record my musings on the sites and my meditaions on the occurrences I observe and experience along the way. If others will come along with me, I hope they too will get caught up in the excitement and the wonder of what a life in Christ means and can be when lived to the fullest. To God be the glory, great things He is doing!